Why do our students choose Island Style?


Medley Competition Teams are perfect for dancers grades 4-12 who enjoy performing and competing and are ready for a more intense, competitive experience. Each team will prepare 1-2 medley routines and 1-2 showdance routines for competition. Dancers are invited to participate by audition only. Individual competition / training is required and dancers are encouraged to compete in the open category.

  • Medley Teams offered:
    • Youth A Medley Team (grades 10-12)
    • Youth B Medley Team (grades 10-12)
    • Junior A Medley Team (grades 7-9)
    • Junior B Medley Team (grades 7-9)
    • Pre-Teen A Medley Team (grades 4-6)
    • Pre-Teen B Medley Team (grades 4-6)

Showdance Competition Teams are perfect for dancers who enjoy performing and competing, but are looking for a less intensive commitment. Each team will prepare 1-2 showdance routines for competition. Dancers are invited to participate by audition only. Individual competition / training is encouraged, but not mandatory.

  • Showdance Teams offered:
    • Youth Showdance Team (grades 9-12)
    • Pee-Wee Showdance Team (grades 1-3)
All-Girls Competition Teams are the perfect blend of a traditional all-girls dance team experience with a ballroom twist! Each team will prepare 1-2 routines for competition with girls dancing Latin / Ballroom / Smooth steps solo in formation. Dancers are invited to participate by audition only. Individual competition / training is encouraged, but not mandatory.

  • All-Girls Teams offered:
    • Youth All-Girls Team (grades 9-12)
    • Pee-Wee All-Girls Team (grades K-3)

We offer 3 options of technique classes for anyone looking to get the best ballroom dance training around! Some of our classes are for ISD team members only, but we have options open to anyone; whether you are on an ISD team, a high school team, or no team at all!

Team Technique Classes
  • Required for all team dancers
  • 2 days a week!
  • Ballroom and Latin!
  • Develops technical skills for both individual and team success!
Just starting ballroom? Sign up for our Syllabus Classes!
  • No team commitment!
  • 1 day a week!
  • Ballroom and Latin!
  • Beginner / intermediate dancers will learn basic steps and figures and fun technique routines!
  • We start a new dance every month, so you can drop in at the beginning of any month!

We offer occasional Master Classes with visiting professional dancers / teachers. These classes are open to anyone, whether you are on an ISD team, a high school team, or no team at all! Master class prices vary depending on the teacher we book, but the benefits include:

  • Instruction from world-class professionals!
  • Cost is lower than a private lesson with professionals!


  • You must enroll in all team & required technique classes throughout the entire term (through May).
    • 8 Week Summer Term (mid-June to beg-August): Attendance is mandatory where feasible. Tuition is pro-rated to accommodate summer trips, etc.
    • Medley Team Bootcamp (mid-August to beg-September): Attendance is mandatory. Tuition is not pro-rated.
    • Fall / Winter Term (September to May): Attendance is mandatory. Tuition is not pro-rated.
  • ADDITIONAL MANDATORY REHEARSALS will occasionally be held for medley teams at no additional cost. Here is what you can expect:
    • Policy Changes for 2024-2025 year:
      • We will no longer be holding weekly Saturday rehearsals during the winter months before Nationals. Instead, all Medley Teams will have a mandatory once-a-month Friday or Saturday rehearsal during the months of September – March. Dates will be posted on your team calendar.
      • Practices will no longer be held on Monday holidays in January and February.
      • Additional Saturday practices will no longer be held besides the once-a-month practices stated above.
      • These extra rehearsals will be about 2-4 hours and will be held at no extra cost to you.
    • Junior & Youth Medley Teams one or two times during Christmas Break (may be up to 6 hours).
    • Rehearsals may start as early as 6 am or end as late as 9 pm, depending on your team schedule. We will notify you by email about any exact dates / times that are not in this packet.
  • Every team class, performance, and competition are mandatory. Please reach out to your coach before scheduling anything that might conflict with a team commitment. We ask you to make efforts to schedule yourself in a way that will not compromise your commitment to the team. If you miss classes, performances, or competitions without coach approval (unless there is some extreme emergency), you may lose your spot and have to earn it back.
    • Each competition/performance will have a set call time. You will be expected to show up on time and competition/performance ready (hair & makeup must be done PRIOR to arrival).
  • During the months of January – March, it is crucial that dancers do not miss any classes unless there is some extreme emergency.
  • If you get behind in choreography, you are responsible to meet with the coach to catch up (at your expense), and you may be subject to losing your spot.
  • In the event that personal or family circumstances preclude you from fulfilling your team commitment, coaches reserve the right to alter any provision to better accommodate your situation; with the understanding that you, your parents, and your coach will work together to find a solution that does not negatively impact the team.
  • Our main methods of communication to parents is via email. In some cases we may use text message, phone call, and/or the GroupMe messaging app.
  • We will use the email address and phone number provided in your Studio Director account. Please ensure that your contact information is correct and notify the studio immediately should your contact information change.
  • Please make sure you read and understand all emails and messages from your coach. Keep track of performance dates, competition dates, costume info, etc. We will not send out reminder emails.
    • Coaches are contracted based on their ability to make decisions that will lead to the success of the team. You can best support your team by supporting the coach’s decisions, even if you don’t understand or agree with them.
    • It may be necessary for coaches to make last minute changes, such as call time, formations, partnering, etc. due to unforeseen circumstances on a competition or performance day. The coach’s job is to make decision based on what is best for the team, and sometimes that means the team needs to be flexible.
    • You may be expelled from participation if you or your parents’ conduct is disrespectful to your fellow team members, coaches, the director, or other parents. (Please note: There may be no warnings given before expulsion if either the parent or dancer’s behavior is disrespectful to other students, coaches, etc. Consider this your warning.)
    • If a dancer or their parents engage in disrespectful conduct resulting in expulsion from participation, there will be no refund of fees or tuition that has already been paid.
    • You are expected to be a team player in all regards of the team experience, including: setting up and cleaning up at team events, unloading/packing/loading costumes, etc. This means you stay to help until you are excused by your coach!
    • Remember that once you are a member of a team, you do not just represent yourself. You represent the unity and spirit of your team.
    • Youth Team members are required to help with the studio competition set-up / take-down.
    • We will occasionally organize team fundraisers to help offset the costs of running a team. Students and parents are expected to help with team fundraisers.
  • STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR: All ISD Ballroom students are expected to hold to a higher standard.
    • Students will face probation and/or suspension if they are involved with any of the following:
      • Illegal Activities: A student will be placed on immediate probation and will face dismissal from the team if they are involved in any illegal activity, including: smoking, drugs, alcohol, shoplifting, or any other illegal activity.
      • Sexual Conduct: No sexual conduct of any kind is allowed in or around the studio, at any team-related event or activity, or on any trip with Island Style Ballroom. This also includes texting or using any other social media to send or ask for inappropriate pictures/video or any messages of a sexual nature to ANY of our Island Style Ballroom students. Students who engage in any type of sexual or inappropriate behavior will be immediately expelled from the team. Please report any conduct that is outside of Island Style’s policy.
    • We also ask students to abide by the following:
      • No Public Displays of Affection (PDA): Students must not engage in unnecessary public displays of affection while anywhere representing Island Style Ballroom.
  • DRESS CODE: You are required to adhere to ISD’s dress code, which can also be found under POLICIES & FEES. Team specific dress codes are found on your team page:
    • Tops:
      • Boys – team uniform shirt
      • Girls – team uniform shirt
    • Bottoms:
      • Boys – black athletic pants or Latin pants
      • Girls – ballroom practice skirt, Latin practice skirt, black athletic pants, and/or black leggings
    • Shoes:
      • All students must wear their proper dance shoes to every class
    • Costumes/Competition Attire:
      • We follow the BYU Provo guidelines for costumes that are listed on the competition site. You can find said guidelines here. This applies to team costumes and individual costumes.
  • Your placement in team routines will be decided by what your coach feels is best for the team. Placement will primarily be based on skill level, work ethic, attitude, and dedication; though sometimes is based on other factors, such as height, competition partners, etc.
  • We will have 2+ boy and 2+ girl alternate spots for each team. Alternates will be held to the same expectations as the rest of the team, but will not compete/perform at each event. Alternates have a critical and challenging role, as they may have to learn multiple spots if another dancer gets injured, ill, or misses a performance. The alternate policy is:
    • Alternates will be guaranteed at least one opportunity to perform and/or compete during the year. This will be based on coach discretion. NOTE: This means we will ask some dancers to step out to allow others to compete/perform. We ask for your cooperation and understanding.
    • Alternates will be switched in temporarily if a dancer has to miss a competition/performance due to illness or other extenuating circumstances.
    • Alternates may be switched in permanently if a dancer gets behind in choreography/technique to the point that the coach feels they are holding back the team.
    • Alternates may be switched in permanently if a dancer gets behind in tuition.
  • NOTE: Some coaches may choose to have two dancers share a spot rather than designate alternates. These dancers would rotate in and out as the coach designates.
  • Ballroom Team Audition Registration Fee: $10
    • This fee is required for all those who wish to audition for the Island Style Ballroom Dance Company and is non-refundable.
  • Accept Your Spot Fee: $100
    • This one-time fee notifies ISD that you accept your team placement and secures your spot on the team. This $100 fee will be applied to your ANNUAL TEAM FEE and is non-refundable.
  • Annual Team Fee
    • The team fee is SEPARATE FROM MONTHLY TUITION. Team fee money goes toward costumes, choreographer fees, team competition fees, music editing, etc. and is non-refundable.
    • The team fee is billed annually and can be either paid in full when accepting your team spot or can be divided into three installments:
      • Installment 1: $100 “Accept Your Spot Fee” due the Thursday after auditions (explained above).
      • Installment 2: 50% of the remaining balance (specific team fees listed below) due no later than July 10.
      • Installment 3: The remaining balance (specific team fees listed below) due no later than August 10.
      • NOTE: A $50 late fee will be assessed to those who do not pay the team fee by August 10.
    • Annual Team Fee:
      • Youth A Medley: $460
      • Youth B Medley: $460
      • Youth All-Girls: $245
      • Junior A Medley: $440
      • Junior B Medley: $440
      • Pre-Teen A Medley: $415
      • Pre-Teen B Medley: $350
      • Pee Wee Showdance: $185
      • Pee Wee All-Girls: $100
  • Monthly Tuition
    • Tuition for all teams & technique classes is due monthly and is posted on the class schedule page.
    • Students whose tuition / team fee has not been fully paid will not be able to compete or perform with the team.
  • Master Classes
    • Master Classes are opportunities for students to learn from world-class professionals in a group setting at a lower price than a private lesson. Fees vary depending on the guest instructor and are not included in the team price. Master Classes are OPTIONAL, but highly encouraged!
  • Private Lessons
    • Local Coaches: Prices can range from $40-$100 per lesson (split with a partner), depending on which coach you choose.
    • Visiting Professionals: Prices can range from $150-$250+ per lesson (split with a partner), depending on the costs of bringing in professionals.
  • Competition Fees
    • ISD will pay all team registration fees for team competition. You will pay all individual competition fees (registration, tickets, etc.).
  • Trip / Travel Fees
    • If we attend events outside of Utah County (Extreme, Gem State, etc.) you may be responsible for your own transportation, hotel cost (if necessary), and food.
    • Any trip where ISD acts as travel manager (California Open, etc.) may include a trip fee to pay for bus rental, hotel, etc. We will notify you in advance if a trip / travel fee comes up.
  • Team Warm-Ups / Apparel
    • Team uniform top and warm-up jacket is required. Prices vary per year. Other items are optional (pants, bags, etc.).
  • Team Costumes / Accessories
    • In order to help keep costs down for you, the studio will provide some of the costumes and accessories – however some personal items needed will be your responsibility to purchase. Team-specific items are listed on your team page.
    • You will use team costumes / accessories at each competition and performance. If you lose a team costume / accessory, you will be charged a replacement fee.
  • Ballroom Concert Fees
    • Ballroom Concert Participation Fee: $50 per student. Due yearly by February 1.
    • Ballroom Concert Costume Rental Fee: $35 per student, per technique class. Due yearly by February 1.

NOTE: For studio registration fee, please refer to ISD Studio Policies/Fees page and Class Schedule pages for a breakdown of tuition and studio fees.)


  • Ballroom Dance is a competitive sport! In order for your team to be successful, you and your teammates must develop as dancers. In addition to attending team and technique classes, you should:
    • PRACTICE: Dancers should practice frequently! To encourage you to practice as much as your schedule will allow, we offer FREE practice space to all ISD team members. You can practice with or without a partner!
    • TAKE PRIVATE LESSONS: Dancers should take private lessons! Private lessons can be done with or without a partner and offer an opportunity for:
      • Personal instruction given with the aim to provide individualized feedback
      • Working on personal areas of growth
      • Developing goals that match the needs of the individual dancer(s)
      • Encouraging improvement at a quicker pace
      • NOTE: Coaches are independent contractors who set their own lesson price and schedule. Contact the coach you would like directly for their prices / availability.
    • ATTEND WORKOUT ROUNDS: We offer twice weekly workout rounds for students to practice their routines in a mock competition setting. The benefits of rounds include:
      • Building stamina for competition
      • Developing floor craft skills through dancing with other couples around
      • A supportive, uplifting environment for competition preparation
      • A great workout!
      • FREE for ISD team members!
    • COMPETE WITH A PARTNER: All ISD team members are required to compete “individually” (with a partner, not a team) where possible. General guidelines for individual competition are as follows:
      • Dancers on an “A” team are required to be competing in (or working toward) at least one or two “Open” styles of competition (preferably International Ballroom and/or Latin). If dancers choose to compete in only one open style, they should also be competing syllabus in the other style.
      • Dancers on a “B” team are required to be competing in at least one, but preferably both styles of syllabus (Ballroom and Latin). Newcomer and American events are good options as well, but more focus should be made toward the international styles.
      • Please remember that these are just guidelines! If you have specific questions or concerns about what you should be doing in individual competition / training, please reach out to your coach. They will help you set good goals!
  • All parents of team members are required to participate on the Parent Booster Club. This ensures active involvement from all parents and alleviates the burden on the few who typically volunteer. We believe that “many hands make light work.” The Parent Booster Club will assist coaches with various team needs and enhance the dancers’ positive experiences.
  • REQUIRED VOLUNTEER HOURS: Each family must contribute volunteer hours to support the Parent Booster Club. The required hours vary based on the team as follows:
    • Youth Teams: 10 hours
    • Junior Teams: 8 hours
    • Pre-Teen Teams: 6 hours
    • Pee Wee Teams: 4 hours
    • NOTE: If you have children on multiple teams, your volunteer hours will apply to the oldest student only. For example, if you have a child on both Youth and Pre-Teen teams, you will fulfill the volunteer hours requirement for the Youth Team only (10 hours), not both teams.
  • VOLUNTEER OPT-OUT FEE: For individuals who prefer to pay a fee instead of completing volunteer hours, they may pay $10 per hour not worked.
    • A sign-in sheet will be provided for volunteers to record their hours.
    • If your volunteer hours are not completed by the end-of-year concert, the corresponding fee will be charged to your account ($10 per hour not worked). Payment must be made before the concert in order for your child to participate.
  • VOLUNTEER TASKS: You can choose which of the options below will best work for you:
      • Helping organize and run the Beehive Dancesport Competition held every year in September.
      • Helping organize and run team fundraisers.
      • Help with costume sewing / repair
      • Help washing and/or organize costumes
      • Transport costumes to and from events
      • Help supervise younger team members during competition / performance days
      • Bring food / snacks for long practices / competition days
      • Helping with the Ballroom Concert held every year in May.
      • Helping organize awesome team parties/activities!



(Please also review Studio Policies & Fees)


General studio dates, local competition dates, etc. Team specific dates can be found on your team page.
